Federal Reserve Bank Note - Series 1929

 Governor: ???  Order Added to Collection: 87
 Act. Depury Governor: Mnuchin  Front Plate: K208
 Terms of Office: ???  Back Plate: 349
 Delivery Date Start: 03/11/33  Serial Number: G00065543*
 Delivery Date End: 01/11/34
 Notes: No known Star Notes on National Currency but there are on FRBNs that used the National Currency stock.  Solid Star on Right.
window back128 window back128G   window back128Y window back128E 

USN 1928 Front


USN 1928 Back


 Title  Name  Service Dates  Autograph
 Asst. Deputy Governor  Otto J. Netterstrom  ??? tate
 Governor  James Barton McDougal  ??? mellon
 Register  Edward Everett Jones  1/22/1929 - 5/31/1933 jones
 Treasurer  Walter Orr Woods  1/18/1929 - 5/31/1933 woods