Not really a project but an explaination!

In a recent conversation with a friend I was explaining the changes made over the years with MOST of them documented here.  It was during this discussion that the electrical system kept being referenced and my friend finally said, "Wait, how do you start the car?"  Now to be fair it is a process and it did not happen all at once.  Here are the steps that need to happen to start the ChevyBaker. Presented in the order of current flow:

  1. Ensure the battery disconnect is OFF.  (Yes this is a double negative) This was added to keep the battery from draining and as a security measure.  This was documented in the Batt Stuff  project.
  2. Pull the "Start" T-Handle below the dash. (2nd security measure)  This was added only because we had the switch (reclaimed when the car was Rewiring project)  which was the manual radiator On/Off.  
  3. Shifter must be in Park or Neutral. As purchased there was no Park/Reverse switch.  This was corrected during the Center Console project.
  4. Glove Box On/Off/On switch to Radio or Direct to relay.  If the switch is in the center Off position the car will not start. (3rd security measure)  These switches were added as part of the Radio Mod project.
  5. A: If Glove Box switch is set to Radio then the proper "preset button" must be pushed to set the hidden switch to On. (4th security measure)
    B: if Glove Box switch is set to direct to component you are good to go.
  6. Turn ignition to Start and hope nothing came loose...  This technically completes the path between steps 1 and 2 above.

Here is a visual "map" of the above steps.

Is it overkill?  Well sure it is.
Would we do this all over again if we knew the mess we would make? Maybe. :)
Out of the entire process the only change we could make that does not effect something else would be the T-Handle.  This IS overkill.  We just wanted to fill the hole left by missing OverDrive switch and thought, "Hey, while we are here."  We did not want a 2nd Hood pull handle or a 2nd Heater water valve pull handle.  When we found a "Start" handle we knew what was about to happen.

As always, thank you for your time in reading this.

Start "tee handle" has been bypassed as this cause more issues than benefits.  The handle is still there but it's not connected to the wiring.